PT. Mitraniaga Cipta Solusi

An Integrated Approach in Human Resources  Management


bd2564-001The Company

“Mitraniaga Cipta Solusi”, Ltd,   would be   shortened   MCS is a  reputable consulting firm supported by extensive  experience of individuals with multi disciplines   knowledge    and background,  delivering  a complete range of human capital management services to companies.

Recognizing   people   are among  the  most  tangible and most expensive assets of the entrepreneurial company will take   the most important roles, MCS concerns and focus in helping organizations increase their productivity through better use of their human resources.

To enable our prestigious   clients to achieve real competitive   advantages, we do this by  aligning their  human resources practices and   policies with their business strategy.

Our services including  recruitment and selection, job analysis , organization restructuring,   training   and  development,  career  planning,  remuneration system, performance  management systems ,  employee survey  and other services related to human resources functions.